'Sight reading and the other short stories'

Solo Exhibition at Aco, HONG KONG
Collaborative Performance with Jacklam Ho

July 2013

The status of propositions that are neither true under every possible valuation (i.e. tautologies) nor false under every possible valuation (i.e. contradictions). A contingent proposition is neither necessarily true nor necessarily false. 

This exhibition gathers variety of media of work that acts as a visual portal to ”stream of conscious”. Woolf started hers from a black spot on the wall. The selected sculptures, ink on paper, prints and performance are ‘interventions’, subtle additions to an existing object or display. Each piece is half of the work of art - the other half is the vagarious voyage conceived. Stories are hidden but it is open for interpretation which has no true or false. Nothing is there, everything is there.

Art and sonic performance in the opening night is the physicality of the artist’s thoughts, built by collaborating musician’s work. The sound recording and minimal still documentation will be displayed throughout the exhibition. The work will be spread through narration made by the audience.


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